Thursday, July 17, 2008

Finally decide on the location, it will be at Royal Plaza - Carousel. It's a international buffet and heard from colleagues that food there are not bad so hope all of you enjoy! Oh yah, please confirm with me by 1st August before 8pm if you are attending as I need to make a reservation.

Yesterday called lawyer, wanted to know how to change the kids' surnames. The only way is through adoption and it require his consent. Oh great, I fully aware that that idiot will not agree so I guess I got to try asking in Malaysia. Good luck to myself.

Bought biscuits to work today. Not that i had given up on dieting but I realise that I need to eat abit during lunch so I won't get gastric pain. Ya, had it yesterday around 5pm. Don't wish it to get worse so no choice. =P


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