Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wrist breaking!!! Deprived of sleep!!! LeLe has been on fussy mode for the whole of yesterday and I had been carrying him for most of the time. Everytime I put him down, he will start crying after 5 mins +/- and required to carry him. As he is small and light, I can't use my carriers (bjorn and Ergo) and most of my cooking,bathing etc have to keep pushing back till he go back to sleep. Last night he only managed to go to sleep mode around 2.30am. Gosh, that is so so so tiring.. Lucky dear helped me to take care for a couple of hours so I could get some sleep but I know he needed work as well so tried to carry him back too.

Sorry dear that I got angry with you yesterday, wasn't really your fault actually. I just find an excuse to vent my frustration and anger out on you as I had a tough day with LeLe. =(

Seriously thinking of investing on either a sling or wrap to carry him around so I can do my things and rest better. At least my wrist wont be that aching than now isn't it? 

LeLe, please be good boy and let mama and papa rest well to take care of you and korkor + jiejie the next day ok? T.T

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