Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Kelian de pokpok.. He has fall sick le. Having blocked nose (keep sneezing) and coughing. So heartpain.. Never expected him to fall sick at such young age.

Brought him to polyclinic and power down in 5 mins when I reached there!! After that, the pcs and the auto registration machines went down, unable to restart. So suay lo.. When I went into the doctor's room, she gave me a very uneasy feeling as she called the pharmacy right in front of me and asked them what type of medicine to prescribe to my boy. Zzz.. How am I going to trust her and give my boy the medicine?

After thinking for some time, I decided to go to the PD at night and after sucking the phelgm from his nose, he does breath better. Hope he will get well soon.


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