Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Started on antibiotics few days ago because I was tested to have infection and weirdly that my amniotic fluid had been turning from pale yellow to almost transparent now. I wonder if it will help to reseal back the rupture area, hmm.. Well, I am leaking more frequently now, from once a day to few times per day. I'm guessing it might because baby has grow bigger so urine more, baby gets better so he can urine more? I'm not sure but at least I feel at ease that he's passing urine even though I have to change my pads more frequently.

Really has to thanks my cousin who is helping me to buy everything I needed after delivery as she knows I can't go out. She even offered to send it all the way to my house so I do not need to send my dear to pick it up from her. Glad to have her as my cousin, my sister. ^_^

Friday, February 07, 2014

I was quite depressed for the past few days because amniotic fluid hasn't increased since 2 weeks plus ago and well, the way gynae said it's like we will be waiting for my baby to die. Which mum-to-be wants to do that?! At least I don't and really hope that miracle will happen on our baby. 

To keep my mind occupy, I start looking names for baby. As we are not very sure the gender, I will have to look for both baby girl and boy names. Unlike the past, this time I'm trying to find a name with meaning and wish it will be the same as baby. 

My target is at least drag to 32 weeks and I still have 9 more weeks to go. Of course, the longer I can keep baby in, the better it will be (I guess).

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Time passes real fast, it has been 2 weeks since I first heard my baby's condition and tomorrow I will be going back for review. No, termination of the pregnancy will not be an option for me. There is no way I can make such cruel decision, I have no right to determine to let baby to stay alive or die. Baby will make his/her own decision, I will stay by his/her side whatever he/she think it's best for his/her own.
Finally confirmed by myself that my water bag is leaking, I found out last night when I was lying on sofa. I concentrated hard and can feel where I was leaking from and further confirm it when I'm sitting on the toilet bowl. Also this time round, I managed to smell it. Now I know what's going on, I will check with the docs what can be done now. Baby, be strong..

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Went to Dr. Ng the next day after we visited NUH, he read the report and said it's not looking good but anyway he asked us to go back 2 weeks later for review. After hearing what he said, I went to Dr. Ding on Sunday partly to ask for second opinion and wanted to know how's baby after I found out stomach bubble not seen is not a good sign. I requested a scan and Dr. Ding did, he seemed to understand my worries and concern so I felt him more patient and not as rush as he used to during our normal visit. He took time to scan and find baby's organs, saw both kidneys and bladder with urine. At first he couldn't see his stomach bubble but found it after a few tries, he also scanned his heart and look normal. Baby look normal from the scanning so we are not sure why there is little amniotic fluid left. As long as baby is fighting, I'm not going to give up as well. I will fight with him till the end, we will definitely win this battle. Jia you baby!