Been playing around with my ger for the past few days since Ah B has went to my mum's place for the week and she felt lonely with no one to play with.
Decided to get a driving license for myself but not sure if I could get it in Malaysia or not since it's definitely cheaper there. Dear will ask for me and we shall discuss it tonight. I don't think I have a choice to get or not to get since it difficult to go out in Malaysia especially when I do not know how to speak Malay so it's better for me to drive myself around. A sum of money is flying off real soon. *sob sob*
Here some of my weekend updates..
Friday (29/8/08)
We went to Tiong Bahru Plaza after work, dear need to get a white shirt for next Monday's wedding shooting. Bought 2 instead as there is a 50% discount on the 2nd shirt. He insisted on not buying a violet shirt, saying that colour looks very girly so he got a pink (doesn't that look girly as well? Baka..) After that we went to Burger King for dinner, was lazy to think of what to eat and enen wanted to eat burger. Haha..
Saturday (30/8/08)
Went to mum's place to pass her Ah B's uniform and shoes, he is having remedial on Wed and Thurs. Enen ate a lot of food there and slept throughout the night when she went home (she slept from 6 plus till 8 plus, the next morning). Both dear and enen cut hair before going home, since we dropped off there. Actually I was kinda of lazy to go there on Sunday though it also on our way to supermarket, lazy to wait for them. Haha..
Sunday (31/8/08)
Did nothing much.. And time passed real fast.
Monday (1/9/08)
Didn't work today, childcare didn't open. Cooked soup and brought it to dear during his lunchtime. Enen behave like she didn't eat for days.. She ate her lunch right before we left the flat and when she saw dear eat, she started to eat the 2nd time. -.-ll
Walked around the shopping centres there and end up buying toys for her (she also got us to buy 1 for Ah B. Of course she is the one chose for it, saying this would be of Ah B's liking).
Changed malaysia currency as well, need to pay for the balance for wedding shooting. Stupid atm also dispense $10 notes and we had to carry 180 of $10 notes. The money changer was in shock when we passed him that much of notes and all we can tell him was blamed on the atm that gave us that.